Our Services
Allergy Clinic of Tulsa is proud to offer services to help our customers with all their allergy and immune deficiency needs. Our physicians are trained in diagnosing allergy and immune disorders, and are pleased to offer many treatments and services here in our clinic. All of our services are administered under trained medical supervision and who help monitor and support our patients along every step of the way.
Skin Testing, Allergy Immunotherapy, Oral Immunotherapy, and Drug Desensitization are just some of the treatments we offer for allergy patients.
Infusion Services--including both IV and Subcutaneous Infusions--are a few of the services we offer for immune deficiency patients.

Skin Testing
Skin Testing is a way that our physicians can see what our patients are allergic to and how severe the allergy may be. Within the skin test, our medical personnel place a small amount of the suspected allergen on or under the patient's skin and monitor the patient to see if an allergic reaction occurs. We offer skin testing for a number of different allergens including pollen, trees, grasses, weeds, nuts, molds, and foods.

Allergy Immunotherapy
Many patients with allergies may not be able to control their frequent symptoms with over-the-counter drugs, and may require Allergy Immunotherapy. After obtaining a complete medical history and allergy testing results, the physician may determine that the patient would benefit from allergy injections.
Allergy Immunotherapy works by giving the patient small amounts of what they are allergic to and slowly increasing the amount of the substance until the patient has built up tolerance to what they are allergic to. Since each person’s immune system is different, the physician will determine the appropriate dosing and timing of injections.

Oral Immunotherapy
Oral Immunotherapy is a method used to slowly expose food allergy patients to increasing amounts of foods they until they can develop a tolerance to eating it. This treatment is done under trained medical supervision that monitor the patient's progress every step of the way. Upon completion of oral immunotherapy, the patient should be able to consume egg, milk, peanut, or wheat without any adverse reactions.

Drug Densitization
Drug Desensitization helps to decrease a patient's allergic response to a drug. Under trained medical supervision, the patient will start with a small amount of the drug followed by increasing doses of the drug. At the end of the treatment, the patient should be desensitized to the adverse effects of the drug. Patients can have different types of adverse drug reactions to medication; however, only patients with true allergic drug reactions will benefit from Drug Desensitization. A physician will help determine if your drug reaction is a true drug allergic reaction.
Below is a brief list of some of the drug desensitizations the clinic offers:
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
- Allopurinol
- Amoxicillin
- Aspirin
- Ibuprofen
- Macrodantin

IV Infusion Services
The Allergy Clinic of Tulsa uses IV Infusion Services to help treat patients with immune disorders. Immune disorders can happen when the body does not make a substance that is needed for the immune system work properly. IV Infusion Services help to infuse the missing substance back in to the patient to aid in restoring health. IVIG infusions are used in some instances to help replace low antibody levels. Also, C1 esterase inhibitor infusions are used to help restore the C1 esterase inhibitor levels in patients with Hereditary Angioedema. Treatment of immune disorders can boost the immune system allowing most people to lead relatively normal lives.

Subcutaneous Infusion Services
Patients with immune deficiencies typically are missing a part of their immune system that needs to be replaced. Subcutaneous Infusion Services--like Infusion Services--help to restore the missing part of the immune system to try to help the patient live a healthy and normal life. Some infusion products can be given into the fat beneath the skin (subcutaneous) rather than through a vein (IV). The Allergy Clinic of Tulsa is pleased to offer both Subcutaneous and IV Infusion Serves as ways to help restore our patients to health.